Sunday, May 17, 2009

So wow, it has been a while since I have updated here. Nothing much in my life is new except for the fact that I'm finally done with Sophomore year. I guess now I would look back at the many things I haave accompllished:

1. Make Jazzcats.
2. Pass Spanish I&II with an A.
3. Pass Algebra 2 with a B or higher.
4. Becoming a better person.
5. Improving my singing skills.
6. Get into Spaniish National Honor Society.
7. Start a fanfiction.
8. Finish Sophomore year strong.
9. Make new friends.
10. Do as many plays as possible.
11. Get a job(Even if it is just working with my dad, it's $100 a week.
12. Becoming the manager of a Christian Band called throns.

Now, even those may not be goals most people want, oh well. Things I have to do this summer:
1. Finsish Summer Reading.
2. Lose Weight
3. Excersise.
4. Stand-up Straight.
5. Eat Healthy
6. Strive to become an even better person.
7. Improve my singing skills more.
8. Improve my literacy more than a 13.0 reading level.
9. Complete my fanfiction.
So that's about it for now. I'll bring plenty of updates this summer. Bai!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's been awhile!

So it has been a while since I have posted on here. Thing's have been so great in my life lately. My church life has become so much stronger, I have an amazing girlfriend, my grades are great, my friends are great. LIFE IS JUST SO WONDERFUL. I will be posting new stuff soon. YAY!