Sunday, May 17, 2009

So wow, it has been a while since I have updated here. Nothing much in my life is new except for the fact that I'm finally done with Sophomore year. I guess now I would look back at the many things I haave accompllished:

1. Make Jazzcats.
2. Pass Spanish I&II with an A.
3. Pass Algebra 2 with a B or higher.
4. Becoming a better person.
5. Improving my singing skills.
6. Get into Spaniish National Honor Society.
7. Start a fanfiction.
8. Finish Sophomore year strong.
9. Make new friends.
10. Do as many plays as possible.
11. Get a job(Even if it is just working with my dad, it's $100 a week.
12. Becoming the manager of a Christian Band called throns.

Now, even those may not be goals most people want, oh well. Things I have to do this summer:
1. Finsish Summer Reading.
2. Lose Weight
3. Excersise.
4. Stand-up Straight.
5. Eat Healthy
6. Strive to become an even better person.
7. Improve my singing skills more.
8. Improve my literacy more than a 13.0 reading level.
9. Complete my fanfiction.
So that's about it for now. I'll bring plenty of updates this summer. Bai!!!!

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