Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I'm in the library at school and it is so boring at the moment. Sitting here with Eric and Andy and Chaseton. So I am thinking of writing a song and posting and I will need some comments. I'll post later when I get home.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Two Weeks is So Far Away, but a Week Isn't So Bad.

Even as I sit here to write this, time is slowly slipping itself into my birthday. I can't believe I'm actually about to be 15, exactly two weeks from today. Woot! :D. I hope to get just money so I can buy an iTouch or and iPhone. Don't forget. Two weeks. August 28. Money would be nice. ;)
So then there is the lock-in at church next Friday. I'm so pumped. Capture the flag. I will be team captain, and we will win!!! There will be food, games, fun, and anyone is welcome to come. Eastiside Church of Christ is where it's add. Details on time will become availible soon.
Lee Dillon Rorie

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer '08: The Recap

As summer starts to come to a close I notice the changes. I put the sunset to show the setting sun over a fairly good summer.
So the good things. The most amazing was starting to talk to someone. I mean I had stopped trying to find anyone, and then I just talked to her on facebook, and now we spend a lot of time on the phone, and things have gone well between her and I. I hope that soon she and I may start going out. ;D Then there was Sound of Music. I never have had an actual brother or sister at home, but I have a half brother who doesn't live with us. So I made a great family there. I hope that we can meet up and hang out one day. Bowling or a movie or something. We will miss Jordan(Kurt) though because he is moving. Of course we won't forget him!!! Then there was the youth camping trip. That was SO amazing!
The bad. Well a lot happened, but I am putting that behind me. I lost my Aunt two weeks and two days ago. I miss her a lot, but I am staying strong in my studies. Then there was some drama between someone who I used to consider a best friend. I will just say he isn't my friend anymore, but now that I know the truth I don't want to be friends with that person.
There were a whole lot of other things, but this was just a few of the good things. I hope you have all had a great summer. :).
Lee Dillon Rorie

School or Prison?

I have never wanted to get out of school as much as I did today. First of they said no physical contact that. That is a good rule, but they shouldn't mind hugging or holding hands. Kissing is a no-no, but I mean c'mon. Thats a load of crap
Then we find out that we get 16 more cameras. That bumps us up to 48 camera's. That my friends is an unconstitutional injustice. We have a right to free speech, but yet they put sound systems on the camera's...Hmmm?
Another thing is the automatic suspension for dress code violation. That is more or less over half of the entire school population in one day. I mean one hole and you get suspended?! OCD! OCD!
I hope you have enjoyed my little rant. I just had to get that off of my chest before I exploded. Have a nice night.
P.S. What's next? Orange Jumpsuits or black and white striped dress codes?

Lee Dillon Rorie

First Post.

This is Lee Dillon Rorie, and I have decided to start blogging. It seems like an easy way to vent my problems. So here is my blog. Check it out!